Monday, September 21, 2009

My first post.....

Well this is my first attempt at blogging.....but I figured since we are 1250 miles away from everyone in the family that this is a good way to keep you all updated. We are all adjusting very well to everything here in Mississippi.....Victoria has been to the specialist, and we are going to continue her feeds as they are, but do a bolus feed at night instead of having her hooked up at night......we are going to eventually start doing larger, shorter feeds during the day.....Rylan is doing good as well. He loves playing on the farm, and watching the cows!

We have gone and looked at some homes the past couple of weekends and I have found a couple that I like, but they needs some work.....not that that is a problem because I would rather it be what I want ne way!

Well that's it for now....Gotta finish the laundry and Victoria is for now....


  1. I wouldn't even know how to begin Blogging! You are my idol!

  2. Good for you! Blogging is a lot of fun and I find it a great stress release too, especially when you don't get much time to yourself.
